Cornell Wisconsin
Location: Cornell Wisconsin
Duration: Two years
Scope of works
Planning, urban planning research, collaborating. budgeting and proposals.
Problem: The business ecosystem was endangered because of the steady migration of youths from the city into larger communities an hour away.
Solution: I met with the City Council of Cornell WI and discussed the business infrastructure within the city and my concerns. We discussed what kinds of businesses would be beneficial to the town. I proposed incorporating several restaurant and business franchises because of the migration of various groups to larger cities. The population was only 1,500 residents. Before a franchise can invest in a community, it considers the amount of traffic that travels along the highway. It was important to find a franchise that was willing to invest with the available traffic data. I researched various franchises and their parameters for business within a small town. We wanted franchises to invest in Cornell while encouraging the growth of local businesses.
Outcome: Family Dollar and Subway are the first two restaurant franchises in Cornell Wisconsin.
Final outcome
Family Dollar
Greenville SC
Location: Greenville South Carolina. South Pleasantburg Drive.
Duration: In progress.
Scope of works: Designing. collaborating, budgeting, design research, site prep, and planning,
SDC designs saw that Greenville SC is a diverse multiracial and multicultural city because there are so many people from around the world living here, We saw the need for various cultures to come together uniquely.
We met with the City Council of Greenville SC with our proposed idea to create a pavilion to celebrate various cultures.